Why install parking air conditioning? Is it not possible to idle and turn on the air conditioning?

The advantages of parking air conditioning compared to idle car air conditioning are: cost saving, safety, and comfort.

1、 Save money

For example, taking an 11 liter diesel engine as an example, the fuel consumption at idle for one hour is about 2-3 liters, which is equivalent to RMB 16-24 at current oil prices. It is also prone to injury to the car, and the cost of using parking air conditioning is only 2-4 yuan per hour.

2、 Comfort

The overall noise of the parking air conditioning is lower, which hardly affects rest and sleep, and is not easy to affect other nearby cardholders.

3、 Security

Starting the air conditioning when the vehicle is idling results in insufficient diesel combustion and high carbon monoxide emissions, which can easily lead to poisoning. However, parking air conditioning does not have this problem. Of course, if you choose the parking air conditioning, you will need to pay extra for the modification.

● Top mounted parking air conditioning

Top mounted parking air conditioning is generally installed on the top of the driver’s cab, using the original position of the sunroof. The interior and exterior units adopt an integrated design. If you have plans to install such air conditioning, don’t spend money on the sunroof when buying a car. This type of parking air conditioning. Advantages: Installed on the roof, the position is relatively concealed, and it is not easy to be grabbed or modified. Popular foreign styles with relatively mature technology.

● Backpack style parking air conditioning

The backpack style parking air conditioner is generally divided into two parts: the indoor and outdoor units. The outdoor unit is installed on the back of the driver’s cab, and the principle is consistent with household air conditioning. Advantages: Good refrigeration effect, high cost-effectiveness, and low indoor noise.

● On the basis of the original car air conditioning, install a set of compressors to share the same air outlet

On many brands of southern models, this original factory design with two sets of compressors is adopted, and the two sets of air conditioning share the same air outlet. Some users have also made corresponding modifications after purchasing the car.

Advantages: There are no modification issues, and the price of later modifications is also relatively cheap.

● Household air conditioners are cheap but prone to breakage

In addition to the three types of parking air conditioners developed for vehicles mentioned above, there are also many cardholders who directly install household air conditioners. A relatively inexpensive air conditioner, but requires the installation of a 220V inverter to power the air conditioner.

Advantages: Cheap price

● Which is more suitable when paired with a parking air conditioning battery generator?

Another thing that everyone needs to consider when installing parking air conditioning is the power supply issue. Generally speaking, there are three options: one is to directly charge from the original car battery, the other is to install an additional set of batteries to power the parking air conditioning, and the third is to install a generator.

Taking power from the original car battery is undoubtedly the simplest way, but due to the high power consumption of parking air conditioning, conventional original car batteries cannot guarantee long-term use of parking air conditioning, and frequent charging and discharging can also cause significant damage to the original car battery.

If you choose to install an additional set of batteries, generally 220AH is sufficient.

Some cardholders now choose to install lithium batteries, and of course, the corresponding price will be higher, but the battery life is longer.

Finally, if you want to use a generator to ensure the operation of the parking air conditioning, it is still more recommended to use a diesel generator, which is much safer than a gasoline generator. In addition, generators are not allowed to be used in many factories due to their loud noise, and using them in service areas can easily cause noise to other cardholders. This should be noted by everyone.

Post time: Mar-14-2024